Sexy Massage Techniques from your Trans Escort

It is no secret that transsexual escorts give amazing massages. If you want to truly relax and having a mind blowing sensual as well as sexual experience then read on to learn some sexy massage techniques.

Why a massage?

Quite apart from the sexual element, there are a whole other lot of health benefits associated with being naked and having slippery oil rubbed into every inch of your skin. It’s a great way to completely relax and unwind, and a great idea for something to do with your trans escort.

Now, the massage technique that your trans escort will use depends on whether this is a straightforward encounter, or a sexual one with all the thrill of the unspoken messages being gently rubbed into your skin. Your escort will have a bunch of massage techniques that they are just dying to show you. Firstly, though, let us set the scene. A private space, a bed (or hammock, see below) and your chosen trans escort standing naked and exactly where you want them. If they stand near your head and concentrates on your face, neck and scalp, just the proximity of their naked breasts in this position is more than enough to excite.

A different way of massage.

Something fun that it isn’t often used, but feels amazing, is having your massage in a hammock, rather than a solid bed. The rocking motion means that your escort’s hands will slip and slide in a not an entirely predictable way as they move over your body, adding to the thrill of the experience. It also means that you can be teased just when you’re really beginning to enjoy yourself, by moving outwards and inwards – a great idea if you’re into edging. Your trans escort will be massaging you in a way that changes with intensity and therefore prolongs the pleasure.

Erotic Massage

Exactly as it says on the tin, an erotic massage is designed to stimulate and arouse from powerful manipulation of well-oiled limbs. This is also about your escort using delayed gratification, so don’t expect too much, too quickly. Tantric massage is very similar but tends to be used for longer massage sessions and builds up the sexual arousal slowly and gently. Your trans escort will be delighted to use this technique on you, if that’s what you want.

Or perhaps you’d like to explore spirituality with your escort, in which case they will love to show how they can facilitate the exchange of energy and take you down the path to full, sexual potency. The Sacred Touch massage technique that he will use here, allows the exploration of yourself in regard to your spirituality, sensuality and sexuality. During the Sacred Touch, all kinds of sexual exchange are permitted, making it an ideal choice for a way to spend an erotic evening with your favourite trans escort.

Whatever type of erotic massage you are looking for your trans escort will be able to satisfy your needs.