Get Out of a Boring Sex Rut and Hire a Trans Escort

There are many reasons why you would hire a trans escort but one of the biggest reasons is that the sex you are having right now is just boring! Whether you are in a relationship or not sex is an important part of every man’s life and a part of it that may need attention.

Below are some big indicators that it’s time to try something new.

  1. Feeling like sex has become a chore?

Is sex a chore!! Well if you are feeling like this it is definitely time to try one of the sexy transgender escorts on sleepygirl! This can take a toll on how you feel about yourself and the partners you have. A sex life that’s as predictable as a 70’s sitcom rerun can make you feel like you are either with the wrong partner or are not trying anything new. Ruts suck. They are boring and the siphon the juice out of just about anything: your job, your diet, and your relationships.

  1. Same Old Routine?

We are creatures of habit, whether we want to admit it or not. This includes the weekly food shop and also your lovemaking. Habits are not bad if they work for you. The trouble is, routines can become so…routine. Everyone needs a little variety, some hot and spicy chillies to spice up the same old dish can really make a difference so choose a trans escort and see how hot it can get.

  1. In a Rut?

Do you find your eyes starting to roll and even glaze over when someone says so what are you into? A trans escorts is a complete break to the routine, and something exotic and unique. They are perfect for both gay and straight men to break a boring sex rut!

  1. Variation is key!

Try varying the pressure, try sometimes light and occasionally more forceful. Ensure that it playful and you are with a partner that you trust or better yet a trans escort who can do exactly what you need. Find out what works for both of you ask “Which feels better, A or B?” See if you can learn what sort of touch doesn’t work for them, what’s pleasurable, what’s a major turn-on. When you’ve finished, it’s their turn to give and your turn to receive. The object of the game is for each person to find out more about what sort of touch feels pleasurable to receive, and for each person to learn something about how to touch the other.

  1. Satisfaction Guaranteed!

Very often unsatisfactory or boring sex happens because you are not getting what you need. The best, easiest and most fun way to ensure you get everything that you want and nothing you don’t is to hire a trans escort. There are a great range of trans escorts available on Sleepy Girl just waiting for your call.

Whatever you are into and whoever you choose to do it with your sex should be fun, rewarding, satisfying (do we have to say safe) and defiantly not boring. If it is try some of the ideas above and most of all have a great time doing it!