Trans Escorts are Perfect for Straight and Gay Couples Fun

Many couples are looking for more exciting ways to pleasure themselves and each other and hiring a trans escort who can pleasure both parties is one of the best ways to have no strings attached fun for kinky couples.

Trans Escorts for All Genders and Sexualities

Gay, straight or bi, there are a plethora of options for escorts available, according to every taste. While the vast majority of these will be straightforward, there is one niche area which is rapidly expanding – Trans Escorts. Offering the unique combination of breasts and a penis, this sexual subset is soaring in popularity. When looking for why, well, why does anyone hire escorts? Usually for a bit of no-strings attached fun in indulging their sexual desires and choosing shemale escorts is no longer a taboo thing.

Trans Escorts for Couples

The expansion and cultural acceptance of all types of internet porn these days means that couples are aware of the wealth of sexual options available and their associated accessibility. Shemale escorts make up a relatively small percent of this market, but their popularity is certainly growing.

Associating Trans Escorts with the backstreets of Bangkok is an outdated concept. This area is growing as more and more gay – and straight – couples are looking to include shemale escorts in their sexual playtime. So, what’s the attraction? The key to this preference is bi-curiosity. With straight men, they might like the idea of playing with another penis in the bedroom but are not sure about sex with a man so having someone who looks like a woman is a perfect solution. They can touch, hold, and experience what another penis can offer in the bedroom without feeling the threat of another man.

Bi-Curious Couples

Indeed, the mindset of wanting a ‘woman with a penis’ is a powerful one. Shemale escorts allow straight men to indulge their love of the softness and beauty of females, their shapely figure and breasts, whilst enjoying the novelty of another penis in bed – fulfilling both of their desires at the same time. Gay couples who enjoy an element of bi-curiosity may look to hire a shemale escort for a bit of no-strings attached sexual exploration. For some, it allows an opportunity for being dominated along with their partner by someone who wouldn’t normally be in their bedroom.

Woman with a Penis Fascination

The fascination of having a ‘woman with a penis’ is usually a non-affectionate, purely sexual encounter. That’s not to say that the two are mutually exclusive, but shemale escorts are not usually hired for romantic reasons. The ability to indulge bi-curiosity is what attracts most couples to hire a shemale. Another aspect is those men seeking sexual pleasure who come from male dominated professions. In this instance they may be looking to reflect the familiarity of everyday life with satisfying their sexual appetites.

For many, another aspect of being drawn to Trans Escorts is the erotic idea of seeing first hand, in an observational capacity, the power that a penis has in pleasuring a woman without allowing another man into the bedroom. This niche area allows for a rich background of choices for the sexually curious adult and the growing availability of shemale escorts for both straight and gay couples is a direct reflection of this.