Sensual Trans Escort Massage Tips

A Trans Escort Massage is a great pleasure, here are some top tips for getting the most out of your sensual massage experience.

  1. Setting a Sensual Mood

Having a great Trans Escort Massage starts with setting a sensual mood and making you feel comfortable. Trans Escorts are experts at making you feel at ease and especially if it is your first time getting a Massage. Setting a relaxed comfortable mood is essential while having and finishing your sensual Trans Escort Massage.

  1. Find a Great Gay Masseur

Finding a great Masseur has to be one of the most important aspects of having a great Trans Escort Massage. You can browse through Trans Escort profiles to find your perfect match on They have Trans Escorts that enjoy Massage in London and Manchester and in cities across the UK.

  1. Setting the Mood with Music

Ambient sounds are a great way in setting a relaxed environment. Music should be soft, sexy, and relaxing. Perhaps light a candle and dim the lights.

  1. Using Great Massage Oils

Massage Oils can add a great extra dimension in texture and smell to your Massage. Ask your Escort for his recommendations or bring your own.

  1. Use Different Techniques

There are many, many different techniques that can be used in massage and you can request your favourite from your Trans Escort Masseur who are skilled in multiple techniques. Using a variety of techniques makes your massage interesting and enjoyable.

  1. Specific Massage Techniques

Here are a few of our favourite Massage Techniques: Shiatsu is a Japanese Massage Techniques which includes applying pressure and rotation to relieve tensions across the body. Compression is another great Massage technique as the pressure on areas increases blood flow and relaxes muscles. A very sensual technique is simply the stoking of the body in soft, gentle but long movements.

  1. Massaging Specific Areas of the Body

We all have different preferences for where we like to be massaged. Here are a few favourite massage areas. The head – is probably much more sensual than you would think very relaxing and very intimate and a great place to start when having a Trans Escort Massage before moving to the rest of the body. You can be lying down or seated for a head massage, and the head has many erogenous zones like the ears, and it leads very nicely onto a neck and back massage. A Back Massage is probably one of the most regularly experienced massages and is very relaxing as it works through manipulating your muscles.

We hope that these top tips will help you have the best Trans Escort Massage ever. The key is obviously to find a great Masseur who is attentive to your needs and makes you feel comfortable and relaxed so you can have a great time together.